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....shortcut to your family's heart

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Pumpkin (chopped into 2" thin pieces) - 1 cup
Red chori - 1/4 cup
Salt - to taste
Curry leaves - a sprig
Coconut oil -1 tsp
Water - 1 cup

Pressure cook red chori with a cup of water for 2 whistles. The beans shouldn't be mushy.
In a pan, cook pumpkin with a pinch of salt.
When pumpkin is 3/4 done, add cooked red chori along with remaining water.
Allow it to boil until 50 percent of water is evaporated.
Turn off heat and add curry leaves.
Drizzle on top a tsp of coconut oil and serve hot with white rice and curry of your choice.

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